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An alcoholic girl whose says she has no friends when everyone is her friend.

Guy 1. Damn bro that girl drinks like Cassie

Guy 2:I think that is Cassie, see how everyone's trying to talk to he but shes ignoring them and saying shes lonely.

by Papasmurf2 November 30, 2018


Either the life of the party or the buzz kill of the night. A bit emotionally manipulative, but is super cute while doing it. Lives up to the name Cassandra, the prophet who no one believed since everyone tries to gaslight them.

Did you see Cassie last night? She was so grouchy then 11:53 PM came and she was killing it in beer pong

by Torontho3 July 29, 2023


Terrible friend. So bad omg! If you ever meet a Cassie, RUN. She will manipulate you and she's a literal sociopath...yikes. Now if you're reading this because you're dating a Cassie..RUN NOW FAST

Ew look there's a Cassie.

by Hehe101010101 September 15, 2020


she's been waiting too long

poor girl

not that cassie howard girl, she got problems

chase fans will understand

cassie fell in love.

by n1colett3 ✧ May 4, 2022

The Cassy Effect

A really, really strong urge to give someone a Birthday gift or Christmas gift weeks or even months earlier that when the event happens.
Getting Exceedingly high enjoyment out of spoiling someone.

This comes from the trend that a lot of people named Cassy/Cassandra have tendencies to act this way.

She was overwhelmed with the Cassy effect and gave her friend their birthday give 2 months early.

by Jhon Brick the tornado shelter October 8, 2023


The most amazing girl you will ever meet. Cassi is usually very kind and would give anything to anyone as long as it makes them happy. She is mostly known as amazingly smart, cute, artsy, hilarious and wired but wowed in the best of ways. She is the best to have a relationship with in which she will never hurt you even if you hurt her. There is no case in which she is not happy unless you aren't. She is often very bubbly and there will never be anyone that doesn't want to be around her.

"She is so polite, she seems like a cassi "

by Monen March 26, 2018


Laugh like a madman literal sped

You are a fucking cassis

by Cassis lavet December 6, 2019