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Chaos Boner

Sexual arousal broth on by the though of chaos

“Have you seen what's going on at Echo Park?”
“I saw it on the news and got a chaos boner.”

by Ken Hammered March 26, 2021

Chao Garden

a place where you raise these cute little footballs called chao. you can make it live in the holy realm of tymora (hero garden) or the kfc on kennedy and queen (dark garden)

Bro: I spend more time in the chao garden than the actual game
Bro 2: same bro

by UrbanizedMotena September 10, 2022

chaos kitty

The most tsundere person ever

I think chaos kitty actually likes me

by TwistedGamerGuy August 24, 2015


Multi-tasking X 10. A condition or operational level guaranteed to result in zero productivity, a vast array of mistakes, and a level of hyperactivity at which one can operate for only very short periods of time. Synonym: hyper-tasking.

While chaos-tasking the other day, I was riding my motorcycle in the high speed lane at rush hour, never dropped below 120, texting two of my friends, talking on my cell, and reading some statistical research on the way to school.

The only problem I had was reading the notes I wrote down while I was doing my chaos-tasking.

by Prof K June 16, 2008

Chaos crush

A chaos crush is somebody who makes you question your sexuality but doesn't turn you.

Girl 1: hey did you see that girl, she's making me question my sexuality.
Girl 2: oh, are you attracted to women?
Girl 1: nah, she's just my chaos crush

by It.b.me February 5, 2022

Bound By Chaos

One of the worst bands ever. Ever. Ever.

Made up of Travis, a poser, Rhett, a douchebag, and two other faggots nobody cares about.

Terrible band.

"I fucking hate Bound By Chaos"

by Boss Playa Mistah Tayla April 29, 2009

chaos erection

When an audience prefers to read, hear or watch devastating news developments; while simultaneously shitting on the media for not paying more attention to happier topics and over-dramatizing the darker side of humanity.

Donald Trump says multiple news outlets are failing; but America's collective chaos erection says otherwise.

by Oybekiyet February 10, 2017