When you share or loan an item or property to another person, then they use it for awhile, and now it's theirs.
Greg: "That was cool you let Jim use your chain saw."
Me: "I shouldn't have. I have a feeling I'm going to end up just Columbus giving it to him."
Person 1: “do u know Columbus mason?”
Person 2: “yeah he’s a fuckin legend”
Most beautiful girl in the world
If your name is Makenna Columbus your the most beautiful girl in the world
The Columbus Creamball is the act of filling a balloon with many mens semen then making a small hole inside the balloon as to make it pop easier then throwing it at a person in the attempt the make the balloon pop resulting the the recipient being covered in the semen that was inside of the balloon
Me and my girl wanted to spice up out bedroom life so you know I had to pull out the Columbus Creamball on her
When you go to the bathroom in another department at work to leave the vilest shit possible.
I had to go over to General Assembly to get some parts and Christopher Columbus'd while I was there.
When you take a shit and leave it for the next person to discover it
I had to poop so bad in the Waffle House. When I walked in there was a Christopher Columbus starring at me!
Christopher Columbus (verb) to pompously offer up old, established information as if it is newsworthy or profound.
“Brian Christopher Columbused the entire band about the history of the blues after watching a documentary over the weekend.