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he was an amazing guy at first, until he cheated on me and was extremely lustful. watch out for conners or even connors because ive met both and theyre pretty much the same. very rapey sexual idolized thoughts. got me pregnant & left me.

conner keeps on asking me to go to the bathroom to send him nudes while im at a family reunion

by himynameischhslimshady August 19, 2024


A ginger with long curly hair. Also has to apply sunscreen every 5 minutes.

Look at that conner

by Conner G H June 11, 2021


He is packing in both area

bro you got a big conner

by help me plz also hi March 20, 2023


One of the cutest and most beautiful guys you will ever meet!

-Hey look is that Conner over there?
-Oh yeah! He's such a cute and beautiful guy!

by WaiWaîWai October 25, 2020


It means a sever colonoscopy procedure

I have a conner today

by Ab65455 November 19, 2022


A Conner is a nice guy. The best in fact. When you meet him, smile for he has the best smile to give to you. Hug him cause he deserves nothing but the best. Words can only briefly describe how special and unique a Conner is. His smile lights up a dark room and his voice can easily make anyone's cheeks bloom. He will offer you nothing but unconditional love. If you have a Conner in your life, never let them go.

Conner, you're my world

by Weird_Bisexual September 4, 2021


Conner is probably not one of your friends. Conner has probably done something crazy with his hair and He doesn't have many friends. But the people that are his friends he cherishes them and he loves them because they love him. Conners are also very handsome and are not afraid of strangers.

Wow! Look at his friends! What a conner! Nice hair!

by Larry.MeowMewow December 1, 2020