a very far away New Zealander
"hey bro you seen that Australian guy Kieran?" asked Jack
"nah mate, he's from New Zealand, besides, he's in the UK at the moment" replied Charles
"ah, so he's a cosmic kiwi then aye?" Jack responded
The transformer's version of Thanos's snap
OK weak protoforms don't bother sentinel or he will use his cosmic rust gun on you,you all know what happened to ironhide.Don't mess with him or you will die like jetfire said:falling to pieces
When you are turbo gonked on quality gas
Person 1: Yo steve!
Person 5: steve can’t answer you, he’s cosmic blasted
A very large wang that mostly Mexicans have
“Man HumberoRobertoRamerezdeMartinez has a very cosmic cock”
A Trade which consists of two people and one item. In which the first person gives the second person an item, for promise that the second person will repay the first person back at a later time, hence the name "Cosmic Trade" This is common among the rainbow people.
Kreamy Obtained rabbitskin armor in a cosmic trade with Oz
When you are being pegged in the ass at light speeds, or large fractions thereof.
“”Did you hear what happened to Josh? He was fucked at 1/10 the speed of light!”
“Damn, that’s Cosmic Rape. He must’ve been seeing stars!”
a very smug smug, cosmic you could say.
smug is also a tsundere
smug is my grinding bird
a cosmic smug