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Man Of Culture

A man of culture is a person who understands a niche reference mostly about anime. A man of culture is also what most retarded teenagers overuse just because someone one has a sense of humor in the internet and their underdeveloped, stupid brains can't use their synapse properly to come up with a better reply other than "he's a man of culture".

*Posts a shitty meme with a jojo reference*
Majority of the comments: Ah... I see you're a man of culture as well...

by November 28, 2021

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cultural appropriation

A term used by people who try to make someone feel guilty about their discovery of another culture different than their own. (It's usually used by a white person or a radical sjw doing it to a white person) In general, it has no basis since no human within the human race can truly appropriate another culture. We are all related.

Person 1: Look at your hair! Why do you have braids? That's cultural appropriation.
Person 2: I like it. I think it's cute.

Person 1: So? It's still cultural appropriation.
Person 2: Braids are universal. They belong to several different cultures - just like humans do.

by Made You Think June 23, 2021

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popular culture

That part of society which is purchasable at Wal-Mart in a variety of packaged forms.

I ran, screaming, past the greeter and into the welcoming darkness of the parking lot to escape the onrushing wall of popular culture.

by Secret Agent Man September 17, 2003

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Cultural sinkhole

A popular cultural trend that leaves a negative impact on society, either through encouragement for the populace to ignore greater issues, even regarding itself, to direct more attention to instant gratification (in more modern terms, "consume product and then get excited for next product"), mass psychological harm, glorification of disreputable traits such as crime, vulgarity, or materialism, or other effects that can leave a moral of intellectual "hole" in societal values.

K-pop is a commonly cited example of a cultural sinkhole, with it's propagation of unrealistic beauty standards, immoral corporate practices, and rampant idolatry of people based on personality instead of talent, all upon impressionable youth, it's main demographic.

by mildanger September 22, 2019

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A belief that different cultures and states of being should be openly discussed and talked about. No stigma, no wrong, just being and coexisting.

Why is there so much hatred in the world? If everyone followed neo-culturalism then we would all just get along.

by New thinking January 25, 2015

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British Culture

British Culture includes

Mad sesh
Bad Man Tings
Writing your friends number somewhere and then putting "ring for a good time"
greasy food

British Culture is amazing :)

by badmantingbroski May 25, 2019

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cultural marxist

A person, a group of people, organization, or political/social movement that adheres -either overtly, inadvertently, or by the threat of social execution- to the descriptive statements prescriptive statements and measures of Cultural Marxism.

John, did you hear that girl? She talks about power struggles for blacks and gays and abolishing 'whiteness' and 'heteronormativity'.

Oh yeah, she's a cultural Marxist. It's best to keep her away from positions of power so she doesn't try to force her ideology on the rest of us.

by fem-coq lover December 12, 2021

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