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An individual who, when faced with scrutiny or suspicion, takes actions to appear innocent or virtuous solely to evade investigation or potential consequences, rather than out of genuine goodness or moral character.

-- This term is often used to describe someone who employs manipulative tactics or engages in superficial acts to deflect attention away from their questionable behavior or to deter further probing into their actions.

Person A: "Did you hear about Mark? He donated a large sum of money to charity after news of his financial misconduct broke out."
Person B: "Yeah, but I doubt he did it out of the goodness of his heart. He's just a skilled Skirt-Dodger trying to avoid getting caught and investigated further."

by ahundredovens July 25, 2023

Soap Dodger

A type of person to only bath at night and not shower in morning and has very questionable personal hygiene.

“Hi Jon Scott”

“Did you shower this morning?”
Of course not I’m a soap dodger, I only bath at night I want to come to work smelling of BO”

by Frederic Bertie February 9, 2024

Roger the dodger

A term for a female to aggressively insert her strap on into a males poop tube.

He better be careful I may roger the dodger tonight.

by Steveeatspizza December 27, 2016

bad dodger

Within the EVE Online (Space based MMORPG) gaming community, a 'Bad Dodger' is slang for an individual whom ducks social obligations of supporting friends and pays others to do it, often using real world currency.

That guy can't do anything for himself but he has a big wallet, such a bad dodger.

by RX121 April 24, 2024

Kettle Dodger

Someone who in the workplace always makes sure they're last to the tea room during break time so they do not have to make the tea/coffee for everyone

- Have you ever seen Graham make the tea?
- No mate, he's a classic kettle dodger

by MightyMorphinFlowerArranger March 10, 2016

Grade Dodger

1.) Someone who never does work or labor by the time it's due, usually resulting in cheated or faked work. Term is almost always given a bad wrap.

2.) Someone who usually doesn't have good time-management, and ends up being anxious or stressed most of the time.

Kid1: "I'm so stressed, I haven't done my homework at home since last year, and I still have an 89 in Math!"

Kid2: "How do you do that?"

Kid1: "Can I copy your ELA homework?"

Kid2: "I think your turning into a Grade Dodger."

by ThatDudeInTheCorner October 16, 2017

consonant dodger

A person of low intellect (usually with their hands glued inside the top of their tracksuit bottoms) speaking incoherently.

The heated discussion cooled between the bus driver and the cyclist when it was interrupted by an aggressive consonant dodger.

by Muttonmusket December 15, 2020