Grayson Dolan is the most handsome, hot, cutest, boy ever, his jawline can cut cheese and is sharper than a knife, he is the obviously hotter twin with the most perfect body ever and the most contagious smile and laugh, his eyes are mesmerizing.
Person 1: OMG WOW!! he is Hot, who is he???
Person 2: I know that is Grayson Dolan
There is nothing better, more adorable, hot, smart, cuddly, talented and amazing than Grayson Dolan
Grayson Bailey Dolan
A part of the Dolan twin duo
(The better twin)
And one sexy human who's jawline is sharper then shards of broken glass
Girl #1: Zanm look at that sexy thing
Girl #2: oh yeah that's Grayson Dolan he's mine sorry hunty
A rich Wall Street elitist running as AOC's primary challenger. Probably the type of guy to browse Reddit all day and smugly tell people : "You don't even know basic economics bro!!! How are you going to pay for it?!!!".
Marty Dolan is just a rich Wall Street dude who doesn't get it; vote for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on June 25th to support real progressive change!
A Euphemism to jokingly refer to a YouTube video's being demonitised as a fun feature rather than a punishment. It looks like a little yellow coin with a "D" on it, hence the name.
"I'll say whatever I want on YouTube, I don't care about getting one of those Yellow Dolans in the corner of my video"
The biggest fangirl with the best sense of humour you will ever meet.
She's crazy over that DJ, she's such a Talya Fama Llama Ding Dong Dolan Garrix
A bitch from Massachusetts who is too empathetic and trusting for their own good
“Ella Dolan is way too gullible”