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Dora Dora Dora doraaa!
Used by Josuke illegitimate child of Joseoh Joestar

Josuke and his crazy diamond his stand uses Dora, Close to Ora!

Josuke is from Jojo Bizarre Adventure


by Soy Man June 1, 2022


Dora is a girl from a very famous show called Dora the explorer where she is a five year old going on adventures that are impossible.

Bro: have you seen Dora the explorer?
Sis: bruh

by Megaglitchnerd74 January 12, 2022


Dora: attractive, beautiful,loyal,fun to be with, annoying also,has great personality.

Dora is a beautiful girl

by Pretty G September 19, 2020


Dora has a great personality with great cooking skills. She is also a hard worker and has AMAZING CURLS. She is the sweetest person you’ll ever meet!

Emely: wow Dora I love your food!

Allyson: and your curls are stunning!
Dora: thanks guys you’re amazing!

by Sodapop October 15, 2019


Stature is short and skinny. Hair is ginger. Nickname is The Goat.Surprisingly strong and has a killer kick. Enjoys the game Yellow car. Rides horses. Also into BDSM. Has one amazing friend and tons of toxic ones .

Dora:Yellow car 🤛🏻

by Awe LTD September 16, 2020


A Dora is the act of secretly shitting into someone’s backpack or rucksack and closing it for it to be found later by the owner. This can be done as both a right of passage or in revenge.

We Dora’ed First Sergeants rucksack before stepping off for a 12 mile March since he keeps screwing us on the watch bill.

The newbie didn’t realize we pulled a Dora on him until reached into his backpack to get his water bottle.

by Ashwaganda Elderberry November 11, 2021


Dora is an amazing girl with a 21 year old mum aesthetic. She has a down to earth personality and loves to wear her comfy clothes. Like this bitch deadass 24/7 in her sweatpants. Whenever u want to chill with someone Dora is the person u call up. You can always depend on her since she puts other people’s happiness above hers. Never pass an opportunity to get yourself a Dora!

Dora is an amazing bitch!

by Raven.-.bitch February 3, 2019