Alternative swear for when things aren't just shit.
You shit ferret
A description of a mans appendage
I’m gona pump her with my heat seeking womb ferret
A group of retarded fotball playrs who plaey for fairhaven, thei have enuf skills to rivael the seatle seahawks, and they DEFINETLY do NOT cheet. they also have shapes on their jerseys and half of them are in weel chairs even their line backer
The past tense of having have had one's anal opening oiled while sleeping and a ferret being inserted.
Jesus fuck-hole why was I ferreted?
An extremely scatter brained or easily distracted person; someone who is nearly incapable of focusing on any one thing for an extended duration or several things for longer than half a millisecond.
Dude, I'm so slammed at work, I'm going seriously distracted ferret right now!
When you have to surrender your ferrets and you miss having ferrets as pets so you’re desperate for more.
Ugh, I hate not having ferrets! I’m going through a ferret withdrawl right now.
An extremely dodgy hairstyle resembling that of a monk. Straight fringe, basin cut.
When the f*ck are you going to sort out your 'ferret monkus'??