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gooch flavored shitsicle

just another awesome insult when "bitch" and "asshole" just wont work.

Shut the hell up you gooch flavored shitsicle

by josh klayburn June 11, 2008

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Utah-flavored cracker

a very white Mormon person who hates gays and anybody who is different in any way

Even in San Fransisco won't talk to gay people, he's a Utah-flavored cracker

by Harvey M February 3, 2009

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Teriyaki Flavored Bleach


I poured Teriyaki Flavored Bleach into my wifeโ€™s anus

by Simp god April 5, 2020

learn your flavor

to suck dick, taste cum. to learn the flavor of their genitals. specifically a male's.

hey you , can I learn your flavor?

by learnyaflacoe April 7, 2015

Pussy flavor chips

CHAZZ chips from Lithuania

- I want some pussy flavor chips
- Sure, go to chazzchips.com/lt/putes-skonio-traskuciai
- thanks Dad

by Seekingapproval September 8, 2022

Whats the flavor neighbors

hows it going

Whats the flavor neighbors? Whats good

by Ricksredeyes September 16, 2010

51 flavors of retarded

Really, Really retarded

Bob: Hey Joe, did you do that english assignment?
Joe: yeah, that thing was 51 flavors of retarded

by Vice President November 18, 2006

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