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Foul fishy snatch

A fanny that is unwashed for a while in the hot summer that starts to produce a rancid rotting fish stench and possibly a discharge

OMG my front bum nearly made me vomit the other day I did a massive fanny guff and the foul stink led me to believe I have a nasty case of foul fishy snatch syndrome

by Big T Hound October 21, 2021

Madison Foul

hitting someone in the head during basketball with a ball. this causes the other team to laugh making the opposing team get the ball after the other team gets distracted

*throws ball*

Madison: Ow wtf.
Referees: *whistle* Madison foul

by xxxxxyeetusthefetusxxxxx December 14, 2018

Foul on

To punch someone in the face. Coming from sports terms, which means foul play.

Lars: "Get away from me, punk!"

Jamie: "'Punk'?!, homeboy, don't make me foul on you!!!"

Lars: "Get away from me, punk!"

Jamie: "'Punk'?!, homeboy, don't make me foul on you!!!"

by Goldbrier901 September 8, 2010

butt foul

When one tries to enter another's pooper, but does not succeed.

Eric temporarily woke from a dream, announced there had been a butt foul, a huge butt foul, then immediately went back to sleep

by anhelbaby785 January 16, 2016

Reach around foul

Reach around foul: when you’re playing basketball and you reach into your buds pants and he cums right away.

Hey bud, you wanna play some basketball? Sure, reach around foul? Oh ya bud you’re going to dirty those pats.

by Horny Thornley April 3, 2020

Technical Foul

When you break Whitey Duvall's house rules.

If you're come in from the street
With dirty shoes on your feet
That's a technical foul
If you switch the radio
To some modern music show
That's a technical foul
If you don't shut the door
After using the 'frigerator
That's a technical foul
A technical foul
If you touch the thermostat
You'll get hit with a bat
'Cause that's a technical foul
(You will feel my wrath)
If your hair clogs the drain
You'll know the meaning of pain
'Cause that's a technical foul
(I'll show you no mercy)

Oh, this is such bullshit-a (hey)
In this house we say bullspit
Or it's a technical foul
A technical foul
Let me get this straight
You expect me to change my entire lifestyle in one night
Because you guys are a couple of psychotic control freaks?
You got it, bub
Or you can go rot in the gutter, it's up to you, Yankee Doodle
Well, I don't wanna do that
But let me run a few questions by you so I don't screw up accidentally
If I don't spray Lysol after moving a bowel
That's a technical foul
Okay, if I decide to wash my ass with your monogram towel
That's a technical foul (please say hiney)
If I make fun of your crazy feeties
Or give sugar cookies to Miss Diabetes
That's not only a technical foul, but possibly a homicide
Can I sleep past three?
If you do, you'll get a T
Take a whiz in those flowers?
I'll say hit the showers
Use this horn as a bong?
Adios, Tommy Chong
Make some long distance calls?
You'll get a kick in the balls, oops

by Funky Games January 27, 2024

Technical Foul

Technical Foul, also known as a tech, is something said when someone says anything “pauseworthy or weird in general.

Dude 1: yo ngl that grandma thick asl
Dude 2: bro what, that’s a technical foul

by ballhogsummer February 9, 2025