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The most beautiful and wonderful people in the world.

'Hark, I hear the sound of a ginger person approaching, we must bow down to their pure perfection.'

by Mary of Lamb June 21, 2005

2771๐Ÿ‘ 1549๐Ÿ‘Ž


A rare natural hair colour which inspires odd and sometimes fearful reactions from the more common coloured hair types. Typically redheads are believed to be more sexual than normal, highly artistic, fierce fighters, and to have a greater tolerance for pain than average. The sun is their only real enemy. Decendants of vikings. The Romans were said to have put red haired males born in the empire into training as soldiers since they were believed to be fierce warriors. Rome also gave up on taking Ireland due to the number of redheads they saw there.

Women with ginger hair are greatly admired in the US yet feared in the UK.

Being called a "Ginger" is an insult in England but laughable in the US.

Famous gingers/redheads: Vincent van Gogh, Thomas Jefferson, Eric the Red, Stan Laurel, Ron Howard, Katharine Hepburn, Maud Gonne, Maureen O'Hara, Shirley Manson, Ewan McGregor, Lindsay Lohan...etc...

by gingernyc August 29, 2007

4977๐Ÿ‘ 2851๐Ÿ‘Ž


possibly the sexiest thing in the world. The hottest hair colour around, and the best thing to be.

Oh my god, you're hair is ginger. Would you mind if I kissed your feet for a while?

by short6CR September 27, 2010

154๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone that has hair ranging from auburn to strawberry blonde.
They are not monsters even though some say they are the closest thing to vampires as their skin is sensitive to sunlight (lucky them)
Men generally find ginger hair more attractive.
Some who has ginger hair does not have gingervitus, they are ginger.
Someone who discriminates against a ginger is gingerist and are jealous.
Ginger is assoiciated with nordic culture
And generally stereotyped as being angry.

Ron Weasley is ginger

by F!re crotch ~ April 1, 2009

154๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž


A lover of redheads

She has a bad case of gingeritis

by Dancersinthedark June 25, 2017


Someone with red hair + freckles.


Rupert Grint is the sexiest ginger in the galaxy/universe.

by mmmmrupertgrint December 29, 2009

576๐Ÿ‘ 370๐Ÿ‘Ž


A ginger person has red hair. This red hair comes from a recessive gene. This recessive gene comes from another ginger or half-ginger hybrid.

Gingers are awesome and have blond eyelashes. They are also extremely sexy.

Gingers are more sensitive to thermal pain than regular people, but less sensitive to pain from electricity.

People all over the world can be gingers, but most of them seem to come from Scotland.

Gingers are frickin adorable.

Some famous gingers are Lucille Ball, Lindsay Lohan, Napoleon Bonaparte, Cleopatra, and Malcom X.

by someone!!!!ahdklghakl February 23, 2009

334๐Ÿ‘ 212๐Ÿ‘Ž