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dyke hockey

Often referred to as field hockey..more commonly dyke hockey references the alarming number of "dykes" playing this girl eat girl butch sport.

"HEY..let's go play some dyke hockey!"

by Jennifer A. McNeil November 3, 2008

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Hockey Mom

1- A mother who takes their children to hockey games and is very competetive

2- A pit bull with makeup

Hockey moms are known to make bad Vice Presidents of anything. Particularly large country.

Sarah Palin thinks that she can fool us into thinking she's an average citizen with her "hockey mom" BS. What a TOOL!

by craziest mofo October 4, 2008

116πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž

hockey carlton

While blowing your load you perform a slap shot maneuver with your penis forming a jizz mustache on the receiver. While performing this precision shot you have to yell "slap shot bitch!" Hockey comes from the slap shot maneuver. Carlton comes from Carlton and his mustache on fresh prince of bell air.

hockey carlton

by BlackIrish09 September 29, 2013

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Hockey Bro

A hockey bro is someone who lives, breathes, and eats hockey. Their life consists of checking NHL.com incessantly and watching hockey highlights. When they're not on NHL.com they are either playing EA sports NHL 11, getting belligerently drunk, smoking a massive quantity of weed, or chewing massive quantities of tobacco. A hockey bro relates closely to the lax bro and are often cordial with each other.

Words often used by a hockey bro are dangle, twig, snipe, bar down, biscuit, mint ice, D1 scholly, flow.
A hockey bro often wears high top sneaks with jeans or hockey sweatpants, a hockey sweatshirt of their favorite college or pro team with a flat brim hat and leather chopper gloves.

I saw this group of hockey bros walking down the street, they were talking about how they were going to play NHL 11 and get drunk all night.

by Mr. Mix a Lot December 15, 2010

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hockey soda

Term for mixing any or all of the available flavors of soda in a soda fountain. Try it!

Dude, I just drank a hockey soda and totally heaved.

by LolcatVTguy February 7, 2017

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Hockey Cologne

The Putrid smell of hockey equipment that would put a skunk to shame but hockey players love

"Oh my god, what's that smell?"

" What? My Hockey Cologne? Smells Great!"

by Hockey Jock February 2, 2017

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Field Hockey

Actually a really cool sport. Played primarily by girls (and guys too!), it’s a sport that’s similar to soccer and ice hockey. It’s just as physically demanding as any other sport, possibly even more because the style of the game means that the midfield escpecially has to run quite a long distance. Stick skills and passing skills are hard to learn and become good.
I honestly thought the sport seemed stupid before I started to play it. Give it a try.

Ignorant person: field hockey is only played by unathletic pussies and lesbians.
Educated person: I gave it a shot and
I really enjoyed it! It can be very physically demanding but also extremely rewarding. (and only one of the players on my team is a lesbian. most of them are super hot girls with great butts and boyfriends.)

by leanbeef23 August 31, 2019

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