Hector’s will be obligated to give free hugs to anyone that asks for it so just let them know!
“Do you know what day it is”
“Can I have a hug”
“ It’s International Free hugs from Hector day“
The international hug day occurs July 7th every year. During international hug day, you hug your crush or partner no questions asked
Friend 1: yo do you know what day it is?
Friend 2: Yeah July 7th, how come?
Friend 1: Ey this is the international hug day
international hug tyrah day. everyone gets a free hug from Tyrah Antonio. (even the wet people😏)
“Can i have a hug tyrah” is what you need to say on international hug Tyrah day
There's a boys hug girls day on 17th of october so why not there be a boys hug boys day where the boys hug the boys. On october 19 give your boy friend or soghnificant other a hig and tell them how much they mean to you
"Bro it's october 19th"
"Bro you mean so much to me, it's boys hug boys day"
"Thanks bro"
On October 28 you hug your tallest friends because tall people are cooler then everyone else
Tall friend: why did you hug me?
Short friend: it’s October 28 hug your tallest friend day
you can hug any friend you would like 👍
me: *hug*
friend: why did you hug me?
me: it’s national hug a friend day :)
On December 1st it’s hug will day. Anyone named will that u appreciate. HUG THEM Give them some love 🥺
Person one - hugs will
Will - uhh okay
Person one - it’s hug will day