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Being given the opportunity to be who you are, practice what you believe in, and be loved for it… all while being the scapegoat for all of the world’s problems.

When you go to a restaurant and pay a friend’s bill, the table next to you complains that you didn’t pay their bill too. While they complain, they accidentally spill their drink, and then blame you for being the cause of their spilled drink. You were Israeled for being kind to your friend.

by Bananamama December 27, 2023

51πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž


It's a ridiculous antisemitic word. You all have lost your minds! Maybe there should be a word like Pallyied as Palestinians have their own agenda being petrified under Hamas they have to lie how they are being treated or off with their heads. When you're Pallyied a good example is a Palestinian will spit in your eye and tell you it's raining so then you have been pallyied! Clever isn't it?

When a Muslim spitz in your eye and tells you it's raining! You've been pallyied because Israeled is not a word

by live in peace December 27, 2023

95πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž


To fool or to deceive someone

The act of making up lies

To takeover someone else's property and claim it to be yours

You've been Israeled!

The media lied daily and provided a false picture. The viewers had been Israeled.

by LaurenceArabia November 16, 2023

22πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Genocide; A powerful state genociding a group of weak people who are under their control all while still claiming victimhood.

On October of 2023 in history of the struggle for freedom, Palestinians have been israeled by the state of Israel.

by yaassyyr November 12, 2023

1πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


When you are living somewhere for centuries and your cousins peacefully move in without stealing anything and the "non-cousins" declare war on you β€” and then you (regrettably) fuck them up. QQ

Dont declare war on civilians or you"ll get Israeled.

Omar: im about to go blow those cousins up.
Syeed: careful not to get Israeled, Omar.

Muhammad: I wish we chose peace in '48 because getting Israeled and the Nakba sucked.

by whenyoucauseyourownsuffering December 28, 2023

25πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


When someone comes to share something you own with you and then steals it by force and law and tells the world that you are the one who wants to steal it

A person asked me to let him drink water from my bottle, and after a few minutes he asked me not to drink from it so that it would last him the whole day!I've been israeled!

by Pojhd November 25, 2023

31πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


To bring life to people, places or things

The generous crops were planted by an israeled people.

by Dewayne Hopkins January 9, 2024

77πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž