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Watermelon Lancing

noun- a watermelon, with a hole drilled throught the center (length wise). Where two penises are inserted through opposite ends, and meet in the middle. Where they " kiss ". The " Kissing " of the penises, is where the head of one penis, presses against the head of the other penis, in a kissing motion. It can also be considered a game, where the objective is to push the other penis out of the hole.

Last friday, Billy and I had a watermelon lancing competition.

by Super_Anon October 17, 2014

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pulling a Lance

guilting someone to buy you something

Stop pulling a Lance, I'm not buying you Oblivion!

by Stupidname0128 March 27, 2018

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

lance armstrong

lance armstrong's genes hold the secret to curing cancer. He can sweat out cancer and crap out tumors. Every exwife of Lance Armstrong has cancer because he can actually will it into people's system. The friction from Lance's bike powers Zeus's lightning bolts. No matter where you are and no matter where lance is he will beat you in a race to anywhere.

Lance Armstrong ejected cancer from his body so forcibly that a testicle shot off.

by RocktheJordan August 17, 2006

59๐Ÿ‘ 116๐Ÿ‘Ž

lance armstrong

When playing pong and only having one ball because all others were lost, too dirty, or crushed in the process of beer pong.

bob: yo man wheres the other ball?
todd: dunno man, guess we're gonna have to lance armstrong it
bob: goddamnit

by fattehboi September 20, 2008

118๐Ÿ‘ 271๐Ÿ‘Ž

lance armstrong

Sexual phenomenon in which the female kicks her legs during intercourse, i.e. as the pedals of a bicycle turn.

She was so turned on she went lance armstrong on me after just five minutes.

by ozMo January 11, 2007

28๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž

dirty lance

When you beat a woman after sex then go to jail for domestic abuse. You then get get kicked out jail because you keep wanting to suck inmates cocks.

I had a dirty Lance weekend

by Rail rider November 18, 2013

12๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

the lance armstrong

the Lance Armstrong is when you sit on a girls face, grip her hair with both hands, and pedal her ears all while sticking one testicle in her mouth.

After I gave her the Lance Armstrong, she was speechless, unable to return any means of conversation!

by PhusionDev July 24, 2006

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