"People might mistake me for some kind of masochist People might mistake me for some kind of masochist People might mistake me for some kind of masochist People might mistake me for some kind of masochist"
is a Markiplier Quote in "I Review Amazon Self Defense Products" is a Youtube Video
Person 1: *hitting himself with non leathal weapons that he bought*
Also Person 1: People might mistake me for some kind of masochist
You just wanted a mug that sang we will rock you. I know. YOU F- no no no I love that song too lol
I wAnTeD a wE WiLl rOcK yOu MuG. You got blood on your face you big mistake 💯🤧😏
When wendy's makes a mistake on your order.
Person:My hamburger has tomatoes! This was such a Wendy mistake!
Haha...You...Get it? YOU're the mistake
"You're the mistake!"
your mother your sister and uncle bill
your a mistake
Mom: husband you made a big mistake!
Me: mom I’m right here... not fetch