Sensory motor skills (also known as sensorimotor skills) are those we use to take in information about the world through our senses and to develop our body's movement, or motor, response to that information
(if we need to jump out of the way of a speeding tricycle that we see headed our way, for instance for sensory-motor)
A person who has been turned into a machine through repetition of a monotonous activity.
Her father. had made her swim for 4 hours a day, every day, since she was 3 months old – effectively turning her into an outboard motor.
When your cat makes a low-pitched rumbling sound that is (mostly) quiet but you can feel the kitty’s body vibrating
This has several evolutionary advantages:
1) the frequency at which cats purr promotes healing
2) kittens use this to get their mom to settle down and nurse
3) a rather high pitched purr (this evolved with domestication) can coax an owner into giving the cat an extra snack, or hairball gel.
Josh: Mittens has the loudest purr motor
Steve: I know. Bear’s purr motor got quiet as he grew up. Sometimes his purrs are really hard to ignore. But no matter how hard he purrs I still have to work.
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The act of which a very large women (300 lbs +)pours scalding hot sloppy joe mix down her sweaty butt crack and a man motor boats the hot anus for as long as he can take the heat.
I'm going to give you the sloppy motor until you scream for mercy!
Everything you need at the time
Do you have the whole motor mule for the camp out?
The act of placing your face between one glutes and shaking it violently using both hands
Lindsey's der·ri·ère was so thick that a Chad came out of nowhere and started motor butting her .