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When you breast multiple times

“Dude I was multi-breasting last night, best night of my life!”

by Multi-breaster June 15, 2022

multi confused

When you are confused about multiple things

I am multi confused at the moment

by Sally nm June 23, 2017


having more than one facebook account in your name.

She was totally multi-facing in order to have a bigger Mafia on Mafia-Wars!


I can't belive that she multi-faces in order for her to keep her friends and co-workers seperate on facebook!

by The Crock Pot December 21, 2009

Multi directionally

The term means to be fucked from more

than one direction.

Said in almost any situation =D

and is derived from the term

(Fuck me side way's).

Me(doing DIY): 'Shit this radiator is fucked multi directionally!

2xguy: Ahh!!!! Multi-directionally babe!!!!
Girl: WTF!!!! are you playing at!


by ZAAKI October 12, 2011


Doing multiple non-productive things at once. E.G. Playing Words with Friends, shopping on Amazon, watching Vines, etc.

I didn't get my report at work done cuz I was multi-slacking.

by Brainblaze January 13, 2015


1) The act of slapping one's penis against the revolutionary iPhone device in a desire to utilize the new input system. This is usually done with the intent of creating a pleasing "slapping" sound against the iPhone or other modile devices. The best way to do this is when you have men from two different ethnic backgrounds "multi-touching". This creates the greatest experience of "multi colored" "multi-touch".

1) Dude, lets go multi-touch on this new iPhone

by Steve Witherspoon June 15, 2007


a dumb bitch

multi is a dumb ass bitch

by dumbidiot69 July 9, 2021