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Nana + Jayleen

these are the most 2 adorable most romantic couple in the whole entire universe these 2 lovers will forever be together. but.. some other people may fall for one of them, but that will never separate them or break them apart. once a N+J always and will for EVER be an N+J

jayleen: hey nana i like you

nana: i like you too
jayleen: wanna be an N+J?
nana: yes 4LIfe

jayleen: ily
nana: ilyt <3
jayleen: <3
nana: we can be an Nana + Jayleen

by poiuytrewqasdfgnml February 2, 2022


When you’re playing Mario Kart and you hang a banana out of your ass so that you can block red shells from hitting you.

Hey Kurtis, I just threw a red shell at you.

Fuck you Jenna, I blocked it with my Ass-nana.

by Assnanalover May 22, 2022