a blowjob used for medical purposes. Supposedly used by Dame Nellie Melba to lubricate her vocal chords before a performance
A: I've got a bit of a sore throat.
B: I guess a Dame Nellie is out of the question then...
A person who despises Emos and his real best friends
What the hell man, stop being so gay, you're pulling a R Nelly
A hot and attractive female that is most likely going to marry Tucker not jake
“Nelly Quick Steps” usually refers to the quick motion one takes toward a bathroom when the need to poop has reached extremis.
After drinking for 3 days at the music festival, I barely made it to the Porta-Potty. I had the Nelly Quick Steps.
The most flyest specimen of them all even better than dr. Phil and the globglogabgalab thing all the guys want her and all the girls are jelly but Nelli velez keeps livin life and sippin on pink lemonade 🅱️👅👌🏼
Guy1: is that Nelli velez
Guy2: yea
Guy 1: oh okay
The most flyest specimen of them all even better than dr. Phil and the globglogabgalab thing all the guys want her and all the girls are jelly but Nelli velez keeps livin life and sippin on pink lemonade 🅱️👅👌🏼
Guy1: is that Nelli velez
Guy2: yea
Guy 1: oh okay
To be natty; nattted; natch; the opposite of roided
A man who's muscles are big on the inside too
"Don't be a Natty Nellie - shoot up with us" "No, drugs are wrong"
"Bro, you've worked hard, and earned your muscles" "Aw shucks" "I dub thee a Natty Nellie"