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Hys n poes

Eks n Nico

by Peetrus December 11, 2019


90% water, no brains, no anus.

Person 1: Ill kill my children for #10000.
Person 2: You are such a Nico!

by DAT CAT BOI March 24, 2018

1👍 1👎


An awesome girl that is better than you! She likes to dance and talk! All the time! She is very kind, but could break you in a second if she wanted to.

"That girl over there is SO HOT!" "Yep! She must be a Nico!

by CheeseUnicorns1004 September 6, 2021


He is cute sexy hot

That kid is not gay

“He must be a Nico”

by Knight_Knight November 27, 2019


He is very cute, sexy and even hot

That kid is cute sexy hot

“He must be a Nico”

by Knight_Knight November 27, 2019


Nico is the guy who’s been hunted by girls for his attractiveness. All the girls are going to invite Nico to their party and make him high and want to have sex with his huge dick. Nico is also a great person who thinks about others and wants the best for them and for himself.
Lady A: Were you at the party?
Lady B: No, what happened?
Lady A: Nico was at the party and all the other girls were trying to get him high so they could have sex with him, but they didn’t make it, but I did.
Lady B: So you had sex with Nico?
Lady A. Yes!! It was unbelievable!


by Gocinb8 November 22, 2021


A boy with an ego bigger than his dick.

Girl 1: "Nico has no balls"
Girl 2: "No shit, he looks like Sid the fucking sloth"
Girl 1: "why is his ego so big when he looks like a round triangle"
Girl 2: "No idea"

by ihatepeoplewithaburningpassion January 31, 2023

1👍 4👎