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Nina Hall

a 12 year old girl who receives many sexual threats from 16 year olds these 16 year olds are known as crippling pedophiles. she has mad beef with some bitch named keyana (major fortnite kid). nina is also obsessed with a year 7 named leo.

friend1: that 16 year old is flirting with a 12 year old girl

friend2: that girl is a Nina Hall

by indian scammer 101 March 7, 2022

Nina Hartley

A gorgeous blonde haired, blue eyed Jewish lady over the age of 45. Her namesake is a famous porn star, pioneer MILF and now GILF phenom still going strong!

Mrs Green, passing by: Hi Jody *smiles*
Jody waves and blushes.

Wayne: ..was that?
Jody: Yes.. my piano teacher, Mrs Green.
Wayne: Whoa! Total Nina Hartley! How can you concentrate?
Jody: I can't..

Or as a verb:
Tania: Way to Nina Hartley in front of my friends, grandma. 5 inch heels and a short skirt? You're such a show off! It's obvious you have a crush on Kelly.

by tex_toll6in April 28, 2023

death by nina

When nina kills you with a bomb on counter strike.

Fuck that hoe just death by nina 'ed me

by henry Boswell January 27, 2009

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Nina Howell

Nina Howell is a character from the movie Easy A.

"...the one where you got suspended from calling Nina Howell a dick." - Easy A

by therealchronicles February 16, 2020

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Nina Kosaka

A female Canadian VTUBER apart of NIJISANJI EN's third wave "Ethyria." htt p s: / / controlc . com/15e1f6c7

Hey, do you watch Nina Kosaka?

by Kaki Solop September 20, 2022

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Nina Dobrev

Incredibly pretty actress/model from Bulgaria. Best known for her role as Elena Gilbert/ Katherine Pierce on the CW's hit series 'The Vampire Diaries'. Should be dating Ian Somerhalder.

Becky: Did you see Vampire Diaries last night?

Tiffany:Yeah! Nina Dobrev looked so pretty!

Becky: I know... Why can't I look like her?

by vampfan221 January 12, 2011

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Nina L.

The name Nina has several possible origins and meanings, depending on the cultural and linguistic origin. Here are some possibilities:

- In Italian and Spanish, Nina is a short form of the name Giovanna or Giannina, meaning "God is gracious."
- In Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language, Nina means "fire."
- In Slavic mythology, Nina is the goddess of night and darkness.
However, if one meets a truthful Nina L., one does not think of night or darkness at all. Rather, her friendly charisma and smile reminds you of a sunrise. Her appearance usually stands out and she likes to experiment though she herself is often insecure in this regard.
A Nina has a complex character and even if you think you know her well, she is still a mystery to friends in some situations.
Attention. It is not recommended to annoy or hurt a Nina. Mistakes made unintentionally must be recognized by yourself and you must do your best to make up for them. But all the efforts are worth it, because a Nina L. is an incredible friend, once won as a friend you will not want to let her go.

Such a Nina may even seem a bit arrogant from the outside, but everyone who knows her can testify that she is not and is often a bit insecure and does not show this openly. Nevertheless, she remains one of the strongest women known.
Her traits include: friendly, polite, humorous, sweet, trustworthy, kinky, open, mature, and much more.
If you find such a mystical creature, you must treat her well with both caution and humor

Gibs asea Nina wirklich?
Jo asea Nina L. gibt obo sie isch einmalig.
Wo konn man se finden?
Antreffn konn man a Nina L ban Shoppen, Ratschen, Telefonieren, ban Weißen Kreuz und als kloano Geheimtipp a afa Jugendosterfeier.

by Anonym2--4 May 5, 2023