Source Code

Visual Basic

A programming language for morons, and people that are too stupid to learn real programming languages.

It is commonly taught in schools and colleges, so retards can understand it and become "leet".

Him: Man, i'm cool because I know Visual Basic.
Me: No, you're not.

by I need no introduction. October 3, 2005

198๐Ÿ‘ 137๐Ÿ‘Ž

Visual Basic

A powerful RAD (rapid application development) progamming language that allows for easy creation of windows programs. Its main flaw is the fact that micro$hit made it, and therefore under their monopoly, it only runs on windows. Another complaint is about the way many new users use the language. They just paste a couple of objects on a form, user a few undeclared variables (variants, which are slow), and run the program. A real program creates objects at runtime and user delared variables at all times (forced by Option Explicit.) Other than that, it is a good language. It is easy enough to learn for beginners (unlike other languages such as java/C++) and powerful enough to perform complicated calculations and make windows-based programs and games with readable code.

'This is a sample VB program
'It finds the prime factors of any number the user specifies
'Declare Objects
Dim WithEvents txtNumber As TextBox
Dim WithEvents lblPrime As Label
Dim WithEvents cmdFactor As CommandButton

Private Sub cmdFactor_Click()
Dim counter&, answer$, number&
'Check to make sure user entered a valid number
If Not IsNumeric(txtNumber) Then Exit Sub
If Len(txtNumber) = 0 Or txtNumber > 2000000000 Or Sgn(txtNumber) = -1 Then Exit Sub
'Create variable = to what user entered.
number = txtNumber
'factor out 2's
Do While number Mod 2 = 0
number = number / 2
answer = answer & " * 2"
'factor out other numbers
For counter = 3 To number Step 2
Do While number Mod counter = 0
'exit when primes are exhausted
If number = 1 Then Exit Do
number = number / counter
answer = answer & " * " & counter
Next counter
MsgBox Right$(answer, Len(answer) - 3), 15, "The Prime Factors of " & txtNumber & " are..."
'gives the textbox focus
End Sub

Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode%, Shift%)
'pressing escape exits the program
If KeyCode = 27 Then Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
'set up form
With Me
.KeyPreview = True
.Move (Screen.Width - .Width) \ 2, (Screen.Height - .Width) \ 2
End With
Set txtNumber = Controls.Add("VB.TextBox", "txtNumber")
With txtNumber
.Move (Me.Width - .Width) \ 2, (Me.Height - .Width) \ 2
.Visible = True
End With
Set lblPrime = Controls.Add("VB.Label", "lblPrime")
With lblPrime
.Caption = "Find Prime Factors Of What Number?"
.Move txtNumber.Left, txtNumber.Top - 800, .Width, .Height + 400
.Visible = True
End With
Set cmdFactor = Controls.Add("VB.CommandButton", "cmdFactor")
With cmdFactor
.Caption = "Factor"
.Default = True
.Move txtNumber.Left, txtNumber.Top + 800
.Visible = True
End With
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Terminate()
'clean up
Dim clrObject As Object
For Each clrObject In Me
clrObject = ""
Next clrObject
End Sub

by too good for a name December 6, 2004

171๐Ÿ‘ 118๐Ÿ‘Ž

basic fish

Saying Basic Bitch when your parents are around.

Becky:Omg theres Sandra
Amelia:She's drinking Starbucks, shes such a basic fish

by Beauty And The Beat Boots January 24, 2016

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Basic Bitch

A word used by the uneducated and those from low socio economic backgrounds. Basic as in elementary, lacking substance. Bitch as in the friendly way to refer to woman.

I saw so many basic bitches today. Weird the things you notice when you have low self esteem and aren't doing anything productive during the day.

by Dontfukwitit November 22, 2014

68๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž

Basic Bitch

Anyone who calls someone a "basic bitch".

Originally, "basic bitch" is meant to mean "unoriginal", but the word itself is no longer an original insult, thus making anyone who uses it an unclever follower.

Aside from that, it sounds like a phrase a twelve year old would say. You cannot use this phrase and have a high IQ at the same time. You just can't.

Female 1: You don't look like ME, you wish you had mah purdy hurr and manicurezzz. You's basic bitch!

Female 2: Kill yourself.

by java bitch April 27, 2014

363๐Ÿ‘ 278๐Ÿ‘Ž

Basic Bro

A guy who:
-has gingham shirts in all colors
-Post shirtless photos on Insta
-has no preference in music

-gets too emotional during sporting events
-thinks too many women complain about sexual harassment
-loves his Chukka boots

-brags about sexual conquest that have never happened
-buy, sells or is looking for steroids
-Marvel movies are his life
-wont wear sunglasses without croquis
-upgrades muffler to sound louder and more badass
-loyal Archer fan

You think you are special, but your actually just a basic bro.

by DP_Shaff November 16, 2017

26๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Basic girl

1. A Girl (teenagers, tweens, young adults and sometimes older kids) that are 2 faced! they don't have to be white, but in this day and age they are all different races. they outfits are all the same. Scrunchies, leggings, ripped jeans, T-shirts the casual air pods. just because you have some of theses items does not mean anything

2. a personality that shows your snotty! Almost everyday they bring starbucks to school or chew gum a lot!!! they are 2 faced, one day they'll be sweet, then the next they'll treat you like trash! they pretend to be depressed. Most of them date popular guys.

Basic girl: ugh she's so basic like geez does she not wear leggings (starts sipping starbucks)

You: You ever heard to shut up?!

by Starfighter33 December 11, 2019

21๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž