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means girl you'd like to fuck because she is particularly fine, or has a fat ass/nice boobs.

Luke: "GYATT." *luke says as a curvy woman passes by.*

Marshel: "damn i fuck with that ass."

by deffs.fs September 2, 2023


an internet term of ass.

Yo, look at that fat gyat!

by October 4, 2024



G - Girl
Y - Yo
A - Ass
T - Thicc

"GYAT" She is hot!

by gir0fa February 20, 2024


Aspen- aspen has curves everywhere and her ass is litterly the fattest. When people see it they usually say GYAT😻

*aspen walks by*
Aiden: GYAT

by Lxveisgxy July 20, 2023


Gyat means when someone has a big bum/buttocks. Gyat could also mean the word “Goddamn

That girl has gyat

I gyat something in my eye

by d1or September 22, 2023


A gyat means a butt. Like the butt behind you. The butt you're sitting on right now.

Ay yo bro, did you see the teacher bending over Jason? Bro's gyat was in my face.

by Maria Andrews April 20, 2024


The word GYAT is used very commonly is actually an acronym referring to go you athletic teens, or could be used as pumping up your parents

PE teacher: see's students working hard in PE and yells GYAT

by BIgmanwithoilytits October 19, 2023