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andrew garfield’s quint owner

just like the good old busby fandom owners, kiara is andrew garfield’s certified quint owner. she rightfully claimed this spot and it can NOT be shared. anyone who tries to take andrew garfield’s current and only quint owner’s place has a fate of going 100000 years to prison. a part from getting a nice busby fandom canceling ofc.

person 1: did you see someone claimed to be andrew garfield’s quint owner?

person 2: no way!! that’s kiaras spot only

by andrewgarfieldspotbrownie February 18, 2022


When u want to turn being a Owner into a adjective.

word made by aster cuz its their bday

They're just jealous of my ownerness

by Shapinex September 5, 2021

Beat A Owner Day

beat a owner day is a day on the 12th december in wich you can beat any owner of discord server and they can not fight back

guy: i am so mad with this server
owner: then just leave
owner OH NO

by the real puff puff December 12, 2022

Fuck The "Fuck The Owner Week" Participants Week

From December 21st to December 27th every discord server owner can harass users participation in the "Fuck The Owner Week". This lasts one week and the users can't do anything about it.

Hey, It's Fuck The "Fuck The Owner Week" Participants Week, Let's harass the users.

by Britdan December 14, 2023

Discord Owner Appreciation Day

This day is spent to celebrate and enjoy discord server owners, in all their hard work.

"Ah, it's Discord Owner Appreciation Day, my least favorite day of the year."

by Totally Not A Dude January 17, 2022


Describes da status of something's being really "difficult 'n' debilitating" due to da fact dat an object belongs to you, and thus you are obligated to perform certain strength/patience/money-sapping activities regarding said possession.

Caring for hogs can be a very ownerous undertaking.

by QuacksO February 11, 2022


A task so challenging it owns the crap out of you. Pun on "onerous", which has a slightly, but detectable, different pronunciation.

Man, I am wiped out trying to get that code finished by the end of the week, it's really ownerous.

by maximthemagnificent December 5, 2024