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peen snap

the peen snap is simple. when a male pisses you off or shuts you down for no apparent reason, this is when the peen snap comes into play. fuck you for not going for something thats right in front of you. ill catch you fucking some other girl(or at any given moment)...run up, grab your nasty peen and snap it in two.

Boy: (uninterested)Welp, cya
Girl: RARRRRR (Peen Snap Occurs)

by I hate boys, lets peen snap em all April 24, 2005

5๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


a 1337-tard (aka computer ricer) uses to make up for their real peen lacking size by dropping rediculous amounts on video cards, and cpus that will be obsolete in 30 mins

1337-tard: ZOMG DUDE I JUST GOT A Geforce999999GTR with racing stripes with macho phallic shit on teh box, next week i'll get the MAD Mathlon 8675309+ sixty-nine and a turbo absolute zero cooler

me: wow dude, you must be a fucktard, to put all that shit together for some e-peen points on hardocp forums

by You're the Dan now dawg! August 5, 2005

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Lady peen

Referring to a woman who has an abnormally large clitoris

John: Did you see Sarahโ€™s nudes?
Jack: Yea she has a real Lady Peen

by Jtools103 June 21, 2020

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Peen Cushion

A term used to describe a slut who always seems to have penises inside her mouth, ass, vagina, etc, like a pin cushion.

Martha is such a peen cushion, she gave Bobby a blowjob, had sex with Sam and Daniel in the same day, AND let Jose get to her back door.

No guy would ever marry Jessica, she's just a walking, talking peen cushion!

by SkinsMan93m2 September 19, 2010

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peen hole

the hole in you peen.

i have a peen hole.........sooo ya

by deecoco February 21, 2019

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Peen Derr

Another name for the penis, better than wiener

Dude, your peen derr totally touched my leg last night, gross.. do it again

by megan delio November 22, 2010

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dirty peen

A sexy mother fucker called owen. The keyboard seems to autocorrect the name to Peen and so we can insinuate that with such a name, he himself is the owner of one such massive peen.

Me and dirty peen are going to the 24h shop to go swing our 12 inch nobs on all the KA drinks

by K4ne_sb February 15, 2021

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