Source Code

Tidgey pud

Is where a male gives a female painal and as they pull there schlong out the females asshole she prolapses leaving the asshole to look like a mini yorkshire pudding. (Tidgey pud.)

Sam L was giving a brutal painal to Ruth. He stretched out his batwing and pulled his whopper out of the shit stained asshole leaving a gravy filled tidgey pud.

by Mc Azzo December 29, 2014

28๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pudding Smack

When a girl gives a guy a hand job. After he cums, the girl catches it in mid-air and smacks him in the face.

Dude, I was haveing sex with Jessica and she pudding smacked me.

by Lizards Are Coolish June 15, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

cooked a pudding

To shit, poop, crap, dump, pinch a loaf, drop deuce, defecated, take a dump, go number 2, do dookie, take a shit, drop a load, drop the kids off at the pool, shart, take the browns to the superbowl, blast a dookie, spray mud, hershey squirts, upper decker, tussle with the toilet, shitting, do a deuce nugget, burn a mule, battling the brown juggernaut, brawl with the bowl, pitch a loaf, do doo doo, juggernaut runs... Usually soft.

This occurs when one has a viral infection, when one is under excessive mental stress, or when one eats too much greasy fast-food.

{John} Dude, what took you so long??
{Bill} I cooked a pudding. :-3

Sorry I was late. I was cooking pudding all morning.

{Jack} Hey, Jill... Wanna mess around?
{Jill} Sure... But give me ten minutes. I have to go cook some pudding first.

by Dodqe September 23, 2010

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pudding skins

The firm outer edge of a bowl of pudding that forms after leaving the container in a refrigerator (often uncovered) for several days.

"Hmmm...look at that delicious chocolate pudding!"
"Watch out for the pudding skins!"

by Levi W. January 29, 2008

24๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

grandads pudding

the process of preparing corn beef hash (corn beef with mash potato) then applying it to a big pair of your girlfriends big knickers/panties/apple catchers. she then wears them for the whole day, until the evening meal. you then take her knickers and eat the hash for your supper! yummy!

i ate my grandads pudding from my girlfriends knickers while watching blockbusters

by eggy_001 May 2, 2009

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panty pudding

The paste-like substance found in women's panties consisting of sweat, vaginal discharge and cum.

"There's nothing like panty pudding drying to a nice, crusty finish after sitting in your laundry basket for a week."

by Gary Dicksniffer January 2, 2004

154๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž

yorkshire pudding

a fluffy, light, crispy dumpling made with batter and eaten with roast, especially for sunday roasts.
sometimes has sausages in the middle, n is called toad in a hole.

mmmmmmmmm, my mum makes a mean yorkshire pudding every sunday.

by mls July 8, 2004

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