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The Dead Rabbits

A gang of prominately white males who partake in illegal activitys for money, honor,and women. such activitys as drug trafficing, assult, theft, and arms polifation.

-did u see the dead rabbits role through
-ya they hard as fuck
2. those rabbits just killed a nigga
and stole his shoes.

by guild of calamitous intent December 17, 2008

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Any woman or couple of any race,creed,color or place of origin that live in the United States and has multiple children to increase their government subsidy checks.

"Hey Billy Bob,Y'all wanna grab us couple of 40s and go down to the river and fish?,our welfare rabbits won't mind".

"I Can't Antoine Bubba Bob,gotta head down to the post office and pick up my welfare check.That woman of mine,Sally Sue May,popped out another rug rat last week and run our gummint money handout up to 25 hunnert dollars a month!.Tell you what!,that woman is one helluva provider"

by Wild Bill from Alaska February 13, 2009

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(used mainly by Shakespeare as an insult)
-to be more timid, vulnerable, and insignificant then a rabbit

"Thou pompous lily-livered rabbit-sucker"

by Teddy Ryan January 17, 2008

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rabbit trails

A city-dwellers belittling or irritated reference to the suburbs, especially suburbs far from the urban locations which are well-known to the city dweller. To get out to the rabbit trails usually requires a lot of driving, or will make the city dweller get home late, or are likely to cause the city-dweller to get lost. Also referred to as "mother fuckin' rabbit trails". Specifically, I heard this used by an ancient blues musician who hated to drive far away from his home on the South Side of Chicago, but who needed the money.

I played this gig way out in the mother fuckin' rabbit trails, and I got lost on the way out there and I didn't get home until four in the morning.

by Nikron Ptolemides July 22, 2006

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rabbit ass

The exact opposite of a Turtlehead.
Being so constapated that your cheeks get sucked in and when
it comes out its tight little pelets.

i need to drink a ton of laxative right now, i haven't crapped in 2 weeks,
i've got major rabbit@ss right now...damn it hurts...

by Yo Mama October 14, 2003

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fanny rabbit

A fanny rabbit is someone who nibbles/licks a girls clit in a very fast motion.
Fanny rabbiting describes the motion of rapid licking/nibbling.

1) i love fanny rabbiting ma girlfriends pussy.
2) thank you for giving ma pussy a fanny rabbit last night.

by kyle pender June 22, 2007

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rabbits foot

The hair that doesn't get shaved between the vagina lips because it's hard to reach with just a razor blade. After time a small Bush grows and looks like a lucky rabbits foot.

When I met my girlfriend she was completely shaved down there but now is lazy and leaves a rabbits foot.

by yourburden February 16, 2016

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