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Raid Shadow Legends

A game that lies about sponsoring people and is an overall a bad game

Ally said this game is the equivalent of Raid Shadow Legends

by Yeet523Yeet June 22, 2021

Raid the roach motel

To combine several weed roaches to make a full blunt/ joint.

My weedman was late, so I had to raid the roach motel.

by MrSmileyTat2 June 29, 2017

Hate on raid day

On hate on raid day you must dislike every video thats sponsored by raid


1. April 14th to the end of may you can hate on raid

2. You cannot dislike videos that have a raid ad popup unless its sponsored by raid

3. You can’t write hate comments that are too mean


You: Oh boy its Hate on raid day

Guy: Bruh

by Garfielddidntkillhimself May 11, 2022

ex-raid system

A shit system by Niantic used to give players a chance at catching Mewtwo in Pokémon Go. It’s a system based on layers of bullshit. You also need to be very lucky to be chosen to receive a pass. It also rewards casual players while giving the shaft to the most dedicated players. A pile of trash system in every conceivable way.

Samy did everything he could to understand the EX-raid system. He watched sadly though as all of his friends got an EX-raid pass while he was always left out.

by Samyanator December 28, 2017

go huff raid

Originally Quoted on totse.
1, Go Huff Raid
2, chop up baby and simmer on a low heat
3, ???
4, Profit!

Wait, Won't Huffing Raid Kill Me?

Oh, piss off already. Raid is bug poison. If it killed humans, wouldn't it be called human poison? Unless you're really weak like a bug, Raid won't kill you.

Huffing raid will not kill you.....You should do it Yea
Go Huff Raid

by [LoD]Neb November 6, 2007

7👍 7👎

Sam's getting raided

The act of being raided and three starred by two goblins.

Sam's getting raided, the noob.

by big pasky January 10, 2019

3👍 3👎

Panty Raid Ladder

A piece of equipment used to steal a hot girl's underwear. The aforementioned item allows raiders to quickly access targets with upper-level rooms. Most common attributes of regulation panty ladders:

- 1 to 2 stories tall
- Wooden
- Carried by 2 or more raiders

Bender: Ok, but I'll need 10 kegs of beer, a continuous tape of Louis-Louis, and a regulation two-story Panty Raid Ladder.

by Gu3ss June 28, 2011

3👍 3👎