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The worlds most handsome man, pulls all the girls and is the best mutherfucker at sport you will ever see

Rowan is handsome

by Bigbumm19283 November 2, 2023


A rowan is someone who smells a lot like a lot a lot. You can usually find them over achieving or talking about their girlfriend. You might find yourself to be best friends with this type of person and you should immediately get out of the friendship because they suck.

Oh my god theres a Rowan in the room RUN!

by IHateRowan December 17, 2019


Rowan is a person with ASS like you have never seen

Dude, have you seen Rowan's ASS? Its unreal.

by Leo The Duckling September 25, 2022


The boy name ROWAN skates and is gay
That is his lifestyle.

Person 1: yk ROWAN yeah?

Person 2: is it the gay guy?


by Michelleyk November 29, 2021


Their rater drop dead Beautiful or down right handsome with nice ass titties or a massive horse cock and you can't argue with it.

"Damn dude..is that Rowan, she has some nice tits dude.. uhh I wanna squeeze them"

"Girl...did you see Rowan's dick print in them grey sweats"

by Theanonymousrowan April 17, 2021


Drop dead Beautiful or down right handsome person. They rather have nice tits or a massive horse cock.

"Damn is that Rowan,.. dude she has nice tits bro.."
"Girl did you see Rowan's dick print in them grey sweats"

by Theanonymousrowan April 17, 2021


Rather drop dead Beautiful or down right handsome a Rowan is one of the most attractive people you'll see on top of that them being so loyal,caring,kind, interesting,leader they can also be shy around others their not so open with but once you get to meet a Rowan you won't regret it. Rowan's are normally very athletic, energetic and bouncing off the walls and isn't easy to calm them down unless you have food, always give them food. Rowan's don't need much but attention from their lover, food and someone to play sports with. Rowan's are also normally still hyper but yet one of the chilliest, laid back and positive people. Just make sure you have FOOD then your good.

Yo Rowan is awesome.. she's/he's always there for you and just so delicate and polite with you, you should talk to her/him.

by Theanonymousrowan April 17, 2021