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pulled a sage

When someone says they'll call you back but never does

"Sage is PULLING A SAGE again. Smh." "Wow they just pulled a Sage."

by kayoriko November 19, 2021

Dank Sage

One who is of great reputation among friends for smoking massive quantities and holding their own, typically viewed as the elder of the smoking group. Typically always has a supply and rarely runs out, when he does he still finds ways to get baked. They tend to be much more productive while high and they can figure out how much they need to get to different levels of stoned. If they want to get fucked up they do, when they want a small buzz they get just that. The dank sage is less of an individual person and more of an idea, you can be very different among people and still be the dank sage, not all are chilled out. At a party they are the friend that is just as fucked up as everyone else yet still remains calm regardless of the situation.

NS: Dude will you be my Dank Sage for tonight?
DS: Hell yeah dude, I'll make sure you don't die tonight, just follow me bro.

by Pentar the Sage October 11, 2017

Sage Weinberg

An all around amazing person that is perfect in every single way possible.

Sage Weinberg is just so incredibly amazing!

by Liz Gastelum May 20, 2021

Sage moment

A retarded statement

Having little value

Can result in loss of brain cells

Wow that was a sage moment

by Julie sumner June 21, 2021


used to warn others of impending odor from gaseous emissions (in lieu of the more crass "I just farted")

a more polite way (than the common "did you fart?) to ask if the person next to you emitted gas

hey mofo !!! did you sage??

by joe shit the rag man April 18, 2004

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sage francis

Underground hip hop artist who has recently signed to punk label epitaph. Previous works include the Non-Prophets album Hope, solo album Personal Journals, the Still Sick... series, and on February 8, 2005 his new album A Healthy Distrust is released. Intelligent and witty. Also known for spoken word performances, poetry slam competitions, and battling. Very dope! Check out makeshift patriot, crack pipes, the time of my life, inherited scars... just check out all of it :)

"But if it hurts me, more than it hurts you... then i wont hurt you, i got more sense than virtue"

by ambiguousdreams45 January 17, 2005

184๐Ÿ‘ 180๐Ÿ‘Ž

' sage '#9999

a fat fuck who does nothing but steal art, post unfunny discord memes and eat like a fucking hippo. This discord user can also ruin every joke it touches like a god damn cancerous little diabetic bitch. if you ever plan on talking to this "person" make sure to hand them a bottle of febreeze and dose yourself with an unhealthy amount of Benadryls to forget the fat shit even exists

- "oh this is my friend ' sage '#9999"
- "' sage '#9999 should go kill herself"

by Likretivot October 30, 2022

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