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Filthy, no morals, will sleep with your dad and make you their step child

You see that girl over there? She's a proper Samantha mate!!

by HSS74 January 17, 2018

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Samantha is actually a guy called Sam. He is the stupidest and ugliest person in the whole world. Every time someone sees him, that person will throw up. He also gets all F's on all his tests.

Samantha is a waste of air

by Lolzies666 October 25, 2017

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She-devil! Beautiful on the outside, but on the inside she is truly rotten to the core! Her whole life is a facade to make people believe she's prefect, but she's merely a jealous wanna be SNAKE!


by SamanthaSATAN*Moores March 19, 2019

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Samantha wow you know a Sammy congrats man. She is the most amazing creature on the planet I wouldnโ€™t describe her as human cause she is better than a human. She loves musicals (especially waitress) she also loves singing and has a beautiful voice for it. She loves dancing and is incredibly good at it. She is very spontaneous and loves the water. She has long brown hair and brown eyes she is very tall and only wears flannels. If you try to make her wear a dress she will grab a piece of her rusty truck and hit you with it. She is also the other half of a dark & salty relationship. She is also a an oldieMcvoldie. She is a hufflepuff and heather McNamara. And if you hurt her I will find you and hit you with my pointe shoe. She is one of the absolute BEST people youโ€™ll ever meet. She loves card games and knows a heck of a lot of them. She is an amazing baker and even better friend. Protect this beautiful human at all costs because I promise you want her around. She is so funny and makes me cry laugh every time Iโ€™m with her.

Wow itโ€™s a Samantha

by Elliotter July 2, 2019

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A girl with dirty blond hair, and brown eyes. She likes animals, mainly parrots, and she is normally the third wheel. She has a dark sense of humor and is obsessed with her diet. Samantha is a friend you will always come back to, even after a huge fight. Samantha can be kinda dramatic, but for the most part sheโ€™s pretty closed off from the world. Samanthaโ€™s are born in March, or April. Samantha has some friends who can be bitches, but she always forgives them.

Hey Samantha, nice shirt.

by Captain.....Underpants May 19, 2019

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Samantha is pretty much a snowflake. She is extremely sensitive and cries about anything mean you say about her. She lives under a rock, knowing nothing that is relevant in the world, and believes anything you tell her.

Me: "Hey Samantha!" Samantha: *cries*

by fortnitesuckshairyballs69420 September 16, 2020

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The most caring and loving person in the world. They are down to earth and will always be there for you when you arenโ€™t feeling the greatest!

If you have a Samantha, keep her or else ur life wouldnโ€™t be the same without her in it

Samantha, thank you for being an amazing friend!

by Alfonso the Shit September 10, 2019

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