When a person has a significant change in the way they process any given senario psychologically; this process can be driven in a positive light or a rather brutally pessimistic perspective
Anthony has had such a great influence on the team it has caused a paradigm shift in their work ethic, and as a result people are starting to work together.
The act of a boss or manager scheduling you for certain shifts so that you avoid working along side someone you are trying to have sex with. Cock blocking you by giving you bad shifts.
Man, there's this new girl at work who is so hot! But I never work with her, my manager is always shift blocking me.
Pretentious buzz phrase that is the new equivalent of paradigm shift.
If you want to sound as stupid as possible, be sure to put vibe shift in your news article.
Giving a handjob while wiggling his penis around like a stick shift, while also making engine noises. Vroom vroom.
So me and this other dude were hooking up, and i totes gave him a dick shift.
A phrase used in the North of Ireland to fill in gaps in conversations. If you can't think of anything to say, just say SHIFT MA!
Also used to convey excitement about something.
A) What's happening?
Nothing much.
Right.....SHIFT MA!!
B)I passed my exams.
When some one fuckes up real bad on day shift
Man chris really fucked up that term he really day shifted it
2 German hardstyle rockstars consisting of Ole Baehr & Connor Kratz who are making new waves in the hardstyle scene with their pop punk/metal trap crossover styles into their tracks, a first in hardstyle history ever in 2022
All of their stuff are made from scratch. The lyrics, insturments, vocals and other track elements all are self made by them
On stage, they have their own DYSTOPIA live act as well which has been showcased at Shockerz and Defqon.1 in 2022 alone and more events yet to come.
The experience of every DYSTOPIA liveset by them is surreal and keeps you wanting more of it.
Popular tracks includes : SAME AGAIN, BREAK THE FALL, 666, ENTROPY and etc..
Watch out for them in 2023 as they bring new heat to the scene and expect the best materials from this amazing German duo!!
Homie : Bro have you seen DYSTOPIA live by Riot Shift? They were amazing on stage fr no cap
Me : hell yeahh good rockstar shiet!! LESSGOO AR GANG🤘🤙