Derived from the saying "Why eat Spam, when you have Steak at Home". Spam being the lowest form of meat, while steak represents a worthwhile meal. Refers to a man that cheats on his hot wife or girlfriend with an undesirable, disfigured, or otherwise deformed ugly.
"She should leave him. She's always slaving at home while he's out Poundin' Spam".
"She's so hot, I don't know why he's always Poundin' Spam."
"Girl are you Trippin' Vag? You shouldn't be Poundin' Spam in the house, Tim is on his way home."
"Tim, did you really pound that spam for packs of free gum?"
The act of spamming social media with excessive images of your man.
Amy: Why didn't you post that snap of you and Ronald to your story?
Tina: I'm gonna post more later. Didn't wanna man spam my followers
All those super-annoying requests you get from friends. Some are fun, but most are lame and time-consuming.
Various Facebook Spam: Hey friend! How'd you like to be neighbors? Come join me in Cafe World, where you can create your own cafe, hire your friends to work, craft recipes and more!
Area where houses are so expensive the owners cannot aford anything other than spam.
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Intrusive e-mail attacks by internet swindlers.
"Most AOL (America On-Line Subscribers) are stupid and gullible, so AOL sells their addresses to spam scammers. Only an idiot would fall for these schemes."
In RTS gaming online, where a large amount of cheaply produced units are sent at your base towards your woefully unprepared units.
RTS nerd - I hate you, you spammer. You totally spammed my base with *insert irritating unit here*. You idiot! That was a total spam attack!
RTS nerd 2 - L0lz0rz. n00b.
When someone in a fighting game spamming a signature or certain move
Lucas: Stop fucking Sig Spamming u loser
Conner: it's a strat