Source Code

Status Lynch

When a persons facebook status starts being commented on by others; and then people change the subject and use the thread to have a completely off topic discussion amongst themselves.

Last night I made a status commenting on how my sister throws house parties without me... ended up getting status lynched by my friend and my sister trying to work out when the next should be!

by Thrashasaur February 13, 2009

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Shank Status

Getting so fucked up that you can't tell the difference between 5's and 10's.

Yo i got so Shank Status last night that i hooked up with girls that were 5 and below

by Shawshank Redemption April 3, 2013

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Status Shuffle

An application on Facebook for unfunny people that have no mind of their own and have to steal other people's wit and humour!

Have you read his status? It was slightly funny. Oh no, wait, it's Status Shuffle, what a loser!

by OotzOotz February 18, 2010

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Bot Status

The lowest classification of human existence.
One who is proclaimed to be Bot Status is subhuman, not deserving of any form of rights or respect.

Shut up Mitchell, you Bot Status piece of shit. Look at the floor and shut the fuck up when you’re around me.

by WARREN512 June 3, 2020

purge status

Something you say when you see someone you hate so much that you would kill them in the purge

Person 1: Dude look it's Olivia
Person 2: Ew purge status

by Balexys March 1, 2015

walled in the status

When you have a Facebook Wall-to-Wall with someone and due to Facebook's new complicated homepage layout, you write your wall comment in the "What's on your mind?" box, exposing everyone to the conversation.

Oh damn. I walled in my status again. Ugh. How lame.

I wish I hadn't walled in the status. Now it's public knowledge that I had anal with Ja'mie.

by Mb500 March 26, 2009

mitchell status

Its a person that has foreskin.

That guy has Mitchell status.

by Berick johnson March 5, 2018