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Midgetcody syndrome

Meaning your a midget for life

Victoria diagnosed cody with midgetcody syndrome

by Einsteins half brother August 24, 2019

Saiyan Syndrome

Having an unnatural need to fight and become stronger that only feels natural to yourself.

Saiyan Syndrome unnatural aggression

by TheUncrownedking May 23, 2015

Office Syndrome

When you are in a room (office, classroom, etc.) without an attractive person, so you choose someone that you can pretend is attractive just for the sake of having someone to oggle at.

Jade: "Wow, Marla. That guy over there is super hot!"
Marla: "Uh... Dude, I think you have a severe case of Office Syndrome."

by J1tt3rbug June 26, 2012


When you cant stop hanging out with narbeh too much and you get a unknown syndrome disease that goes to your tutuz.


Explosive Diarrhea
Brain Damage
Emotional Damage

Also Memory Loss.

omggg i hung out with narbeh and now i feel like im a new human with assthetic narbeh diseases in me 🤪.

For exmaple: Michael has Narbeh syndrome from hanging out with us too much.

by lavashak_arbi June 26, 2022

Artorias Syndrome

A physical condition caused by significant injuries to the left arm, which are left untreated, and have been exacerbated by frenetic physical activity. Can cause strong negative emotions, manifested as outright aggression, or excessive aggression.

Some dude broke his arm trying to defend a direct strike to his shield, but he never really did anything about it. Now he has Artorias Syndrome, and is always trying to start a fight because of the pain it causes.

by DanZhukovin September 21, 2019

COW Syndrome

COWS- Center Of the World Syndrome
Someone who suffers from this believes they are the center of the world, that everything revolves around them. They truly believe that everyone actually gives a damn about every little thing that happens in their lives. These people also suffer from a tendency to post EVERYTHING on facebook, literally EVERYTHING.......

NOBODY CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The entire cast of Jersey Shore & the Kardashians suffer from COW syndrome

Facebook statuses may consist of:
"I just cut my finger!"
"I miss my babe!"
"My babe just cooked dinner for me!"
"omg I just got these beautiful flowers!"
"Just took a shit"
"Had so much fun this weekend with my babe! We went to this club, then to dinner, then a magical fairy ride, then we got home and had a magical fairy dessert!, then we took a both!, then we cuddled in bed! then we went to bed staring into each other's eyes!"
"omg I'm so happy! i couldn't be happier! Life is wonderful!"
"let's talk about me"-COW Syndrome

by WEDONTGIVEASHIT November 30, 2010

Drowns Syndrome

Term used in referring to an urban myth according to which you may drown if you swim too soon after a meal; apparently you get a cramp and promptly go kerplunk to the bottom. The safe time after the meal, when you can safely swim again, is said to be one hour in Northern Europe, while in Hispanic culture it is often said to be three hours, which is longer than most people spend at the beach. Thought up way back when by some lazy mom who wanted to take a nap in the sun and couldn't bother her ass to look out for the kids; unfortunately it has entered the folk wisdom and some adults end up believing it. Cramps can actually afflict a person at any time and do not adversely affect one's buoyancy in the water. Neither do they do too much damage to your swimming skills, unless perhaps you are participating in an Olympic event. They are more likely to happen as a reaction to exposure to cold water. If you are in an environment where, perhaps due to currents, a cramp could be the difference between life and death, you shouldn't be there, cramps or no cramps. Just ask yourself; have you ever heard a pathologist or coroner announce that the cause of someone's death was "swimming on a full stomach"? No, I didn't think so.

Jimmy was running and screaming along the shore and his mommy was feeling lazy and couldn't be bothered looking out for him, so she invoked Drowns Syndrome.

by Fearman September 14, 2007