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strong woman

An unfeminine woman with an abrasive personality, commonly found in Western cities like Toronto and Washington, D.C.

Eastern women understand that femininity is a desirable quality for women to possess and aspire to be sweet and demure, but for some reason, Western women will actually brag about how "strong" they are. Woe to my friends who have lost their way.

Of course, she prefers manly men for herself but will trash-talk any man who expresses a preference for a more feminine woman.

I had lunch with the boss, she's pushing 40 with no children and appears to be on a cocktail of psych meds. She's a strong woman.

by michael_douglas March 10, 2013

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The Brothers Strong

Three brothers that include Strong Bad, Strong Mad, and Strong Sad. They live in the same haouse and are friends with The Cheat.

by The Cheat's financial advisor and top spy June 19, 2003

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Strong Glad

an alternate form of Strong Sad: basically a happy-looking Strong Sad with enormous femenine legs; never appears in a cartoon, as he is just a goofy sketch

The one on the left is Strong Glad! Nice gams, baby!

by Dannyboy July 2, 2003

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strong bad

A real wrestle man. Also known as Strong Badman. Has no fingers and a The Cheat.

Get in the boat fish. Get in the boat fish fish.

by ME SO IDIOT April 22, 2003

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high strong

In over your head or being cocky.

"You cowboys seem a bit high strong, I'll fix that."

by im_hip October 2, 2009

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austin strong


stop acting like an austin strong in front of my parents

by skeeter&adds December 8, 2008

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Strong Badia

A field ruled by Strong Bad and the population is a tire

Strong Badia rocks!!

by Joe July 19, 2003

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