99 is when someone fucks you from behind the circles in the 9 being the heads and the line under being the body so kinda like 69
…: „you wanna 99?“
…: „sure let’s do it!!“
Literally the worst age to die at, ever.
You were THAT close to 100.
"My great aunt died yesterday"
"Aw, that sucks. How old was she?"
"Damn! That's even worse! You mean she couldn't stick around just a little bit longer to get to 100?"
a mysterious number in baldi's basics. the most number to be this easily found is in blue doors of the game itself that say 99 as it labeled. you can find this number elsewhere like. collecting extra 2 notebooks in birthday bash (glitched school) 9/9 notebooks. (no number to be found in this screen but) getting the 99 jumpscare (rare game over screen) etc.
This represents the sex and sexual relationship among homosexual people this is an harassing towards LGBTQ community.
john ;- Hey, sean did you know Tin and tale had 99 on bed.
sean;- yes they homos
Brooklyn 99 is a great show that can change the way you listen to "I want it that way" forever.
It's a cop show, and a comedy. It's very funny, you can watch basically any episode and find yourself laughing your butt off ( other than season 8 which I personally don't like ). I would recommend trying this show, you can watch it on netflix. There is swearing and some inappropriate comments (also some violence/talk of violence), but I would say its overall pretty innocent.
Person 1: Hey, what are you doing???
Person 2: watching Brooklyn 99, wbu?
Person 1: SERIOUSLY?!? You've rewatched that 50 times!
Person 2: LOL, I just can't get sick of it
Person 1: I don't blame you, its really good
An extremely crazy version of the Best of 3 where you have to win 50 games. It's been used in YouTube series before.
First to 50 wins is the champion. Is that a Best of 99? Yeah.
you are screwed if you have strict parents
thats not even a passing grade
person 1: "what score did u get on the recent tests?"
person 2: " I got a 99% on the test"
person 1: "oh rip my bro"