1. something that has been put in a fridge and is therefore not hot or cold but "cool".
2. someone or something that is very with it and thinks they can set trends.
"mmmm, i could really do with some cool orange juice right now."
emily "im cool"
laura "my arse"
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something that you say regardless if whatever you are talking about is cool or not.
Example 1
Person 1: I just saved 15% on my car insurance by switching to Geico!
Person 2: Cool.
Example 2
Person 1: I have AIDS.
Person 2:......Cool?
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A adjective that expressive a postive while sounding negative.
Similar to asstastic, sick, wicked, gnarly, tight, insane, and killer.
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If someone or something is cool that means lame, pretentious, mainstream, appealing to the mass, trivial, of no real value, shalow etc. This word is mostly used by shalow people who have poor thesaurus, describing things or people they really really like.
- man, I love Rap music, it's so cool.
- Did you see George Clooney in his last movie "Michael Clayton"? He's so cool.
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Definition 1:Constipated
Over weighted
Out of style
Definition 2:Cold, Nice, Awesome, and Good.
Definition 3:A word to say when someone is talking to you and you're either not intrested or you're not listening!
Defintition 1:Example 1:Yo do you know that mutha fuckin douche bag Jacob he is so cool!
Definition 2:Example 2:Hey Dylan do you see that fuckin Trans Am FireBird it's so cool!
Definition 3:Example 3:JOHN says:Yo I woke up yesterday and I heard this wierd noise and like a hour later I noticed it was me breathing!CHRIS says:Cool!
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"Geoff, you are SO MUCH cooler than Lance.."
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