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Mostly brown stuff that comes out of someone's a$$ when forced. It can be hard or gushy. More names are feces and shit.

"Ah f*ck, I need to take a poop!"

by FrankTheBank15 December 25, 2020


Poop is like jelly mushy stinky it kinda smellin nasty and it is trumps wife mom and kids also known as a pile of trash/crap also taste like nasty ness and look ugly

Hey Jayden how was your poop ?
It was mushy poop but I still ate it disclaimer don’t eat poop u will probably DIE

by Mcfartysonbobhere April 20, 2020


comes out ass

i like to poop

by ImoMemes December 8, 2019


The brown waste that comes out of your anus.

Jimmy pooped his pants

by Randy Fakename April 10, 2017


Stuff that comes out of your butt, but when you hear the word in a sailing context, you can't laugh.

Look at the view of the lake! Here comes the poop! must not laugh, I think it's a sailing term and that's a boat!:0

by Not a German name August 22, 2017


in ma bootyhoe

there’s poop in ma bootyhoe

by blondebitchbarbiehoe August 12, 2019


When you go to the bathroom and do that.its usually brown and comes out your butt .this is basically waste from what you eat .

Poop can be green.

by Kristal hernandez June 6, 2017