Mostly brown stuff that comes out of someone's a$$ when forced. It can be hard or gushy. More names are feces and shit.
"Ah f*ck, I need to take a poop!"
Poop is like jelly mushy stinky it kinda smellin nasty and it is trumps wife mom and kids also known as a pile of trash/crap also taste like nasty ness and look ugly
Hey Jayden how was your poop ?
It was mushy poop but I still ate it disclaimer don’t eat poop u will probably DIE
Stuff that comes out of your butt, but when you hear the word in a sailing context, you can't laugh.
Look at the view of the lake! Here comes the poop! must not laugh, I think it's a sailing term and that's a boat!:0
When you go to the bathroom and do that.its usually brown and comes out your butt .this is basically waste from what you eat .