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The most powerful minority in the United States. Loves to complain about how relatively powerless minorities are too powerful.

The majority of Americans do not want Republicans to control the White House or Congress.

by Catty McGee September 4, 2017

284๐Ÿ‘ 412๐Ÿ‘Ž


Part of the human anatomy upon which one sits.

I have an itchy republican.
Get off of your republican.
Did you wipe your republican?

by Hekuba June 6, 2015

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These are your racists, they all seemed to have an impaired view on actual politics. These guys seem to constantly discriminate race, gender, and even sexuality.

Person 1: I can't believe that old Republican got us fired!
Person 2: Its because he's a fucking sexist perv!

by MattDontLieToMe December 6, 2018

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A Republican is typically a whiny middle aged white Christian male who is unable to adapt to change. They are afraid of: homosexuals and their homosexual agenda, Muslims, Mexicans, blacks, teenagers, lesbians, and "tyrannical" government.

All Republicans secretly believe that an ass-kicking killing machine lIves under their jeans shorts and short sleeved button up shirts and so they all WORSHIP guns. Guns and the Bible and the 'Murican flag! Republicans are about as subtle as a Mack truck.

Despite the fact that they are all ostensibly Christian and should be generous in spirit and ever-willing to turn the other cheek, Republicans are obsessed with the possibility that some one might be skating by on their hard work.

In short Republicans are like that one loud mouth uncle everybody has. He likes to act tough, but he's 120 lbs. overweight and he runs out of breath on his way to the buffet. Some of em are okay...

"Goddammit Lulabelle, we vote Republican in this trailer! Now I don't wanna hear one more word about Beee-rawk Obaawwma or you're gonna get the belt!"

by Johnny ET March 29, 2018

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One who believes firmly in a liberal, loosely-regulated economy, but a conservative social program.

by Daniel December 9, 2002

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def. - The actuality that, regardless of race, you should work for a living instead of demanding your government provide everything for.(Such as Universal Healthcare and welfare) This term also means that if you are a non-white/European you can become as rich as Oprah or run for President if you stop worrying about being the next NBA star or Rap star and get off of your lazy arse and stop demanding everything from your government.

Republicanism - Smart, "can do" people that built a nation

by Republican_Bastard August 8, 2008

31๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of two major politcal parties in the US. Commonly associated with George W. Bush when in fact he is a neo-conservative. Many people think that to be a republican you must be a christian, which is also untrue.

I consider my self a Republican/Libretarian yet I dislike Bush (though not as much as Kerry), support the legalization of drugs, and am an Agnostic. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it bitches.

by Being sober is for the weak. February 24, 2007

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