Source Code

im language

A language used for instant messaging, consisting of short phrases and abbreviations.

When I was messaging Tina I messaged her using im language. I said I totz got to get a new job, jk cuz I got a good one, lol cause I will never find one, lmao cause my my man has 2 jobs, rofl thinking about owning my own company, roflmao cause it would not last

by traceymak February 13, 2014

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McDonald's Language

The act of putting a Mc in front of all your words on your way to, while you're at, or after leaving a McDonald's.

McDonald's Language:
Dude, you're a McDouche

That really Mcsucked

by rockrangel January 12, 2011

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Language Arts

language arts

language arts

by captain american September 20, 2021

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Billie Language

Speaking in the 6th sense.

Person 1: β€œyo you hear Kanye new song with Fivi?l

Person 2: β€œ you know I did that’s that Billie language right there”

by Morph97 February 12, 2022

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Fowl Language

Profanity is socially offensive language, which may also be called curse words, cuss words, swear words, crude language, coarse language, oaths, blasphemous language, vulgar language, lewd language, choice words, or expletives.

I don't use fowl language when in a chat.

by TBK190 December 9, 2018

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Language Paradox

1. You sound stupid if you pronounce something wrong.
2. You sound stupid if you pronounce something right.
3. You sound stupid if you try to pronounce it right.
4. You sound stupid if you try to avoid saying it at all.
5. The only way you don't sound stupid is by explaining the language paradox.

This is the language paradox.

Joe *White guy*: may no speak bwayno espanyol.

Jesse *Chinese guy*: toetaymo cacoi daysoo.

by Pikachu + Shugi November 2, 2009

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egg language

egg language is that language we all made as kids…

also known as bubble,Pigeon,backslang, G word and sometimes Gibberish we all made up this language so people can’t understand our conversations and keep it secret!

it was made by placing a sound in the end of every vowel in a word and usually took a bit of your childhood freedom to master, but it was all worth it in the end.

Them: Hey! madagy namy isag janag dogoe

You: Oh hey Jane! I speak Egg language too!

translation: my name is jane doe

by darlingsland May 15, 2022

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