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keyboard warrior

Some one who makes/uses agressive words against some one on the interenet (especially msn and forums. Usally a quiet small natured persopn in real life.

"Shut the fuck up wanker" - "why dont you say that to my face then when i meet you"

by Sharky February 24, 2005

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Ugandan warrior

A valiant but noble enchilada hailing from the tribe of de wae. These can be seen in groups (clicccs) and can be easily identified by their native tounge of clicks. These clicks are mere noise to the untrained and unworthy ears, for many of these warriors speak you must "kno de wae" to truely grasp the grander scale of their language and culture. No mere mortal with their dirty ears and close sighted eyes could ever truely know the way quite like a Ugandan warrior. To reach enlightenment, you must kno de wae bruddah.

Today i talked with a ugandan warrior on vrchat. It was an experience i'll never forget.

by Flag-narok January 8, 2018

popcan warrior

Someone who often uses make shift pop or beer can pipes to smoke weed out of. Usually these people are too cheap to buy a real pipe, or are scared about being caught with a pipe by their parents or the police. These people are usually 14 or 15, and live in a skid town like gibsons or sechelt. This word can also be used to describe people who make apple pipes.

Kelly Joe is such a popcan warrior, he smokes outta that shit er' day.

by gibbySkid May 24, 2010

Warrior Train

The last run of the Penn Station to Port Washington line of the Long Island Railroad on a Friday or Saturday night. Typically around 3:00 AM to 5:00 AM. This train is frequented by drunken midshipmen of the United States Merchant Marine Academy who exit at the Great Neck LIRR station.

“Dude did you take the warrior train home last night?”
“Yeah bro we got back at 5:30 this morning, the city was insane last night.”

by ageofsail September 20, 2022

Chapter Warrior

noun (ˈchap-tər/ˈwor-ē-ər) A combat arms servicemember who is expelled from the military.

"Did you hear about Miller choking out his squad leader with a bore snake?" "Yup. Bona fide Chapter Warrior."

by Chapter_rambo May 11, 2013

4am warrior

A person or persons that both out drink out last and outwit other members of the there squad past the hours of 4am. Their motto they live by is drink through the pain. You will usually see them frolicking around past 4 am sticking their dicks in fans or jumping in the sound. A wounded 4am warrior is one who has drank through the pain a little too much and is often found puking off the side of a deck.

Tyler: Hey, Matt what’s wrong with Kiley
Matt: Oh she’s a wounded 4am warrior

by Four am warrior 69 July 6, 2020

galaxy warrior

a single group of victorious cross-country runners whom will possess the powers of world someday.

Hey did you hear that a member of the galaxy warriors became king of the Americas?

by sroirrawyxalag January 4, 2010