Eg my ex bsf Aliyah Hxxchen is toxic because she makes you feel bad but a day or so after that that act all nice again. Also toxic friends mean they are never happy for your success if you win something and you go on stage and they’re not clapping and rolling the’re probably a TOXIC FRIEND
Eg someone you’re hanging out with people who are always guilt tripping you leave the after all they are just Toxic Friends
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Men who remain single past 40*.
They can be grouped in following two broad categories:
1) Those who are always looking for the next best thing, due to some underlying issue that prevents them from forming a long term relationship. OR,
2) The ones who have a Peter Pan complex and just never want to grow up.
Most of these toxic bachelors seriously consider settling down once they have a mid-life crisis and see the writing on the wall. Then they try to get married in a hurry to have kids, and to ensure their own immortality through their offspring.
*40 is a race-dependent number. Asians can be considered toxic bachelors if they remain single past 31.
George Clooney is a glorified toxic bachelor.
26👍 10👎
A social science term that describes narrow repressive type of ideas about the male gender role, that defines masculinity as exaggerated masculine traits like being violent, unemotional, sexually aggressive, and so forth. Also suggests that men who act too emotional or maybe aren’t violent enough or don’t do all of the things that “real men” do, can get their “man card” taken away.
Many people confuse the difference between Masculinity and toxic Masculinity. However, one can be masculine without having toxic Masculinity.
Some beliefs of toxic masculinity is that:
-interactions between men and women always has to be competitive and not cooperative.
-men can never truly understand women and that men and women can never just be friends.
-That REAL men need to be strong and that showing emotion is a sign of weakness... unless it’s anger, that is considered okay.
-The idea that men can never be victims of abuse and talking about it is shameful.
-The idea that REAL men always want sex and are ready for it at any time.
-The idea that violence is the answer to everything and that REAL men solve their problems through violence.
-The idea that men could never be single parents and that men shouldn’t be very interactive in their children’s learning and development and that men should always be the dominant one in the relationship or else he’s a “Cuck.”
-The idea that any interest in a range of things that are strictly considered feminine would be an emasculation of a guy.
Guy: A Real Man doesn’t stay home and take care of his kids while his wife works. You’re a cuck.
Other guy: I don’t need your toxic Masculinity and preconceived notions of what it means to be a “real mean.”
3407👍 1977👎
Willful ignorance, a heavy sense of entitlement with a refusal to take responsibility for one's own actions, encouraged by others with the same condition and reality shows. See: narcissism.
"We always got toxic femininity from the customers coming out of the yoga studio a few doors down." (true story)
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toxic muskulinity
/tɒksɪk mʌskjʊˈlɪnɪti/
a set of attitudes and ways of behaving stereotypically associated with or expected of Elon Musk, regarded as having a negative impact on his audience and on society as a whole.
"the destructive messages associated with toxic muskulinity can lead to incels feeling entitled to engage in vile vitriol and hate speech."
There are 3 main definitions of a toxic friendly.
1. A friendly (usually in TF2 or roblox combat games) that say that they are friendly but when people kill them, they start baby-raging in chat.
2. Someone that says they are friendly but then attack people that attack them.
3. A friendly that will attempt to votekick someone that keeps on killing them, for the reason of "I'm a friendly you cant kill friendlies, you tryhard!" This is an extension of the first definition, but taken to the extreme.
Example 1:
Friendly: "Why did you kill me, I'm a friendly! Stop being such a toxic tryhard!"
Normal player: "Dude stop being a toxic friendly, this is a combat game."
Example 2:
Friendly: "Dude why did you kill me I'm a friendly"
Normal player: "This is a first person shooter, you are going to get killed, stop being mad about it."
Friendly: "Guys kick this toxic tryhard!!!"
Normal player: "dude stop being such a toxic friendly"
Example 3:
Normal player: "I thought you were a friendly why did you kill me?"
Friendly: "you shot me once so I killed you"
Normal player: "It was an accident, and friendlies dont kill people that attack them."
Friendly: "You attacked me first!"
Normal player: "lol toxic friendly"
The act of giving an ordinary shocker to a woman, getting fecal matter on your pinky and then reversing the position of your fingers (reverse shocker). Resulting in a UTI or other infection.
I got tired of this nasty bitch always coming around for sex so I gave her the toxic shocker. That bitch got a UTI and had blood coming outta her pussy.