North Korean Spanish god of life also known as the Gucci lord of all life and living things also known as El Jong Un
Hey Fag Im god im kim jong uno
"I want that Kim Jong Uno Inside me daddy"
Statement- (1)To uno reverse a bitch is when one decides to play a reverse card in the game Uno in order to change direction in the game (2) When a person uses karma to beat the fuck out of a bitch who thought they ate, well no bitch they didn't and you too can uno reverse a bitch.
"What the fuck???I'm going to Uno reverse that bitch!!"
Uno Doggo is when a dog humps his stomach instead of his fuck toy or bitch.
"Bro I saw my dog pickles fucking his toy dog and he was fuckin his stomch"......
"Dude he is a Uno Doggo that's naaaaasstttay"
getting absoultly embaressed in the game of uno.
did you hear about kballs getting destroyed in Uno" yah it was an Uno massacre
Me: Hey, look there's a zombie behind you!
Some random dude that's a complete bitch: No U
Me: Uno Reverse Card
Some random dude that's a complete bitch: Gets turned into a zombie then I kill him and the other zombie.