A place which doesn't exist, regardless of what any so-called "Wyomingites" or "United States Federal Government" say to the contrary.
Person 1: "Yeah, I have a cousin who lives up in Wyoming."
Person 2: "Fucking where?"
Wyoming is a concept or idea of a barren wasteland with less population then any states around it
This desert is Wyoming and hot
A made up state that came from Arbuckle Vespucci designed the United States and forgot to fill in a spot on the map which caused his faithful cat to write in the spot "Wyoming" which was an old Italian word for "No state here". Think about it, have you ever meet someone from Wyoming?
Is Wyoming even real? I mean I have many friends and family from many states but I don't know anyone from Wyoming. Yeah bro, it's a made-up state here's a clip showing the story behind the state.
a sadly ignored state that has done nothing wrong. its known for its buffalo.
Oh have you seen how much buffalo is in Wyoming? It's insane!
It doesn't exist.
Timmy: "I wanted to visit Wyoming but my parents told me that it doesn't exist."
A state that does not exist, the only thing in it's place is a hole to the pits of hell that the government dumps all the criminals and gays in.
Person 1: Do you know Wyoming?
person 2: Yeah, two cops came to my house the other day and took my dad to Wyoming.
Wyoming is a tear in space in which aliens from the dwarf planet Eris enter the U.S. to invade the planet. many people believe that wyoming is a place in the U.S., however wyoming is actual not real. If you enter wyoming you will appear in walt disney world confused and afraid but with no memories. you will be greeted by the ghost of walt himself before teleporting to canada. 4chan users claim its real but its not, they are actually the aliens taking over the world.