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late cooking

The act or habit of cooking something when you go back home after party, usually consisting in frying any stuff you have in (or around) the fridge. Sometimes referred as "late frying"

Mike: Oh, what a wonderful pary! Is there any other pub open at this time?
Johnny: No man, but we can do some late cooking.

by rkparker February 15, 2010

monte cook

n. The creator of many d20 games and adventures.

see also: god

Monte Cook tires from answering inane questions such as "What's up with Jevicca's arm?"

by Rydia January 31, 2004

Cooking With Jack

Non existent. Don't search it up on youtube.

E - Do you guys wanna watch cooking with Jack?

D - ew no what the fuck

by Cheese/Cb April 7, 2022

cant cook

Its when your unable to cook most of these people are named ben

example 1: look over there bens trying to cook

example 2: ben cant cook look at him go

example 3 how did ben fail cooking class

by Darkblood__ July 9, 2021

cooking with ruben

Cooking with Ruben is an extremely popular online video featuring Ruben and his buddies. They attempt on making cake

I can’t wait to watch cooking with Ruben for the 58th time today!”

by uR dED NaN haRRhAR!!1!111 October 30, 2017

Cooking the sausage

When male inserts his penis into a vagina however does not remove it and continues to leave it there for a length of time

Ben had an amazing night cooking the sausage with Jane

by AltCro March 27, 2018

Cooked Grenade

The things you throw at someone willing to catch a grenade for someone

That guy told his girlfriend he'd catch a grenade for her.....so i threw a cooked grenade and snatched her for myself

by SupremeBadassOverlord January 7, 2011