An insult hurled at new zealanders, by australians mostly. it is a reference to the sheep prominence in new zealand- ten sheep to every person. sheep cant breed that fast on their own, so the "sheep shaggers" help
Kiwi: we fucked you aussie's up in the rugby union!!
Aussie: go fuck a sheep, ya sheep shagger.
Kiwi: leave my mutton out of this...
525👍 242👎
Tweek's Sheep is a discord server founded in January 2020 by internet artist Tweekbr0s and her friend Wushingtime. It has a strong community and ~450 members as of June 2022. The owner, Tweek, is commonly known as the artist of Minecraft Youtuber Sapnap's old profile picture. Tweek's Sheep as a discord server has been associated with a DNF gif on tenor, created by Wikoymi and Wushingtime in April 2021, along with some other gifs created by various members. Chro
Oh, I joined Tweek's Sheep the other day! It's the home of that DNF gif.
A Psychonaut who is usually apart of a more conservative family who disagrees with the Psychonaut's choices, that more than likely result in exile from the family. A Psychedelic Sheep is seen by some as a worthless druggie, this is anything but true.
"Oh yea look at Michael he's the 'Psychedelic Sheep' of the family, psfft fucking addict."
a very rare species in Minecraft.
you can use it on your friend to assert dominance.
"I found a PINK SHEEP!"
that's it...
1. (n.) when you shoot a load onto a picture of sheep in a grassland out of awe and envy for their calm, carefree lives.
I was feeling mad existential, so I took sheep shot and now I don't feel as baaaaad.